Monday, April 25, 2011

Get Spring Fever!

When spring rolls around you can get Spring Fever. You start cleaning up areas around your home that you've let go during the long winter. You've also started to notice a few things that could look better - things that need improvement. There are plenty of home remodeling projects that have been discussed to death in magazines and across the internet. So here are a few much-less talked about ideas to spruce up your home - and add value, should you choose to sell:

Add a Master Suite: There is typically a "master bedroom" in most homes and apartments, but a Master Suite can be something entirely different, depending upon interpretation. There is usually room to expand most bedrooms, knocking out part of a wall in a different room to make way. Adding even five feet to a bedroom can give it a much more open appearance. Also, expanding the bathroom, adding more luxury to its décor, can give you - or potential buyers - a total feel of comfort.

Upgrade Your Bathroom: Similar to the above idea, adding a real Master Bathroom can add elegance to your home. Even if the new bathroom is not a part of the master bedroom, it can be a viable option. Guest bathrooms that have been renovated to give comfort and relaxation to visitors can keep friends content at get-togethers.

Install a Gate: While outside some budgets, installing a gate at the outside of your residence can add much to both the scenery of your home and the security of it. Large gates with an intercom system can let you know when you have visitors as well as deter potential thieves from targeting your home.

Wine Cellar: Few home additions garner as much conversation as a wine cellar. Even if you're just starting out on your collection, a few bottles properly placed can add a sense of intellectualism to your home, even if you're only a mild to average collector. They're surprisingly easy to install, and most professional remodeling companies are seasoned in the different varieties.

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