Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Which Part of Your Home Should You Remodel?

As time passes, every homeowner begins to get tired of some aspect of their house. "The kitchen's too small" or "The bathroom is not a place for a relaxing bath" are some of the most common complaints. Every home could always be better; more attractive and functional. How does one achieve the results they desire? Which room or rooms should be given priority for remodeling?  Most real estate agents and builders will recommend that remodeling a kitchen and bathroom will maximize any increase in the home's value, especially if selling the home is a potential reality within the next five years or so. Even if the homeowner is not planning to sell, it still makes perfect sense to improve the home just for their own enjoyment.

With all the new and exciting kitchen and bathroom upgrades available on the market such as whirlpool tubs, imported tile, efficient green light fixtures, and so on, it's not surprising that people are itching to spruce up their own abodes. Currently the trend for upgrading and remodeling a home has been with a strong focus on efficiency and the use of "green" materials.  As more builders recognize individual's concerns regarding the environment and future generations, options for remodeling any part of the home are opening up. What once was viewed as impractical or expensive is now acceptable due to individual lifestyle changes being made by homeowners in order to be more efficient and cost effective.

Many of the more common place "green" items available for bathroom remodels are dual flush toilets, LED lighting, and recycled tiles. Pedestal sinks have been making a comeback as well, as more homeowners are trying to achieve a more classic feel. Many such fixtures can be reclaimed from older home sites that have been demolished or remodeled themselves.

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