Friday, November 5, 2010

Marrokal Green Building is for a Healthy Lifestyle

Many homeowners aren’t aware of the dangers that are linked to numerous building products that are commonly used in American homes. “A lot of these products continue to give off harmful gas vapors,” says Certified Green Building Professional, Mike Centrullo, who is a Design Consultant at Marrokal Design & Remodeling. The non-green products can cause health problems such as headaches, eye irritation, asthma, nervous system disorders, and even cancer.

Green remodeling uses healthy building materials and therefore helps to eliminate potential health risks. One of the biggest areas of concern in green remodeling is ensuring proper indoor air quality.

That process begins in the design phase. Centrullo says making sure that a home is well ventilated creates a healthier living environment. For example, he says, “If there is a breeze corridor that runs parallel with the side of the home that we’re working on, we might consider installing a casement style window that opens out and allows the air to funnel into the home, which creates better ventilation.”

“Using low Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) finishes, cleaners and adhesives can also make a huge difference in indoor air quality,” says Centrullo. And when it comes to flooring, using the proper types of materials such as carpet that has low VOCs or even using pre-finished wood floors instead of finishing them on site will reduce the amount of harmful exposure to product fumes.

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